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#5cosas por las que ha merecido la pena estar vivo esta semana (77)


El tema «Chaise Long», de Wet Leg.



El tema «Voy a ser un drogata», de Fundación Francisco Frankestein, versión en castellano del «I wanna be sedated» de los Ramones.



El cuadro «Baigneuses», de Camille Bombois.



La canción «The Split», de la leyenda femenina del rockabilly Cordell Jackson.



El poema de Nancy Willard «The migration of bicycles», de su libro In the salt marsh (Knopf, 2004). Dice así:


«I have seen them flash among cars or lean

so low into the curved wrist of the road
to brake would kill them, yet a whole pack
will stand for hours in the rain
yoked to each other, chained to the rack
till the shops close. I have seen
them balanced on one foot like a clam,
the front wheel turned, at ease. It waits
like a severed centaur, for lover or thief
to give it a running push, shift gears, and ride
off with the Great Bear and the full moon
hooping the earth, winding the spring tide.»


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