Mientras tanto5 cosas por las que ha merecido la pena estar vivo esta...

5 cosas por las que ha merecido la pena estar vivo esta semana (13)

Sestear absorto y pálido   el blog de Jose de Montfort



La obra «Portrait of Mnonja» (2010), de Mickalene Thomas.




«Salto», el nuevo single de Hungry Butterfly.





El programa del pasado 25 de noviembre de «El último Moyano» en M21 radio, un programa sobre libros en clave western, donde se entrevista al poeta Vicente Monroy, por su libro Las estaciones trágicas (Suburbia).


Se puede escuchar aquí.





La instalación de la artista vietnamita Phan Thao Nguyen «Tropical Siesta» (2015-2017), en la que imagina un Vietnam rural habitado solamente por niños.






La historia de la agente hollywoodiense Sue Mengers, de su auge durante los sesenta y setenta y su fulgurante caída posterior, y que cuenta Susan Orlean para el New Yorker, aquí.

Un extracto:

«For almost two decades, she was one of the most powerful agents and most commanding hostesses in Hollywood. She rose fast in a business that was then dominated by men. She outmanned many of them: she was the toughest negotiator, the bluntest adversary, the nerviest deal maker. In her years at Creative Management Associates, which then became International Creative Management, from 1967 to 1986, she made a lot of movies happen. She represented, among others, Candice Bergen, Faye Dunaway, Brian De Palma, and Anthony Perkins. Then she lost one big client, and then another, and her way of doing business—all personality, no strategy—started to seem an anachronism. She no longer fits in. She hasn’t had more than a few people over for dinner since 1986. She doesn’t want to go to screenings anymore; she doesn’t want to go to big parties. As she tells it, Hollywood is a club that she loved to belong to, yet you can tell she never felt she really belonged. For a while, people appreciated her usefulness, which is not the same as belonging, although for a stretch it can look the same. She was tactless and contemptuous, and made enemies needlessly, either because she knew in her heart that someday she would no longer belong and so indulged a preëmptive bitterness or because she believed she’d belong forever and so could afford to do anything.»

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