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5 cosas por las que ha valido la pena seguir vivo esta semana (32)

Sestear absorto y pálido   el blog de Jose de Montfort




El tema «Ahora o nunca», del grupo Dinero.






El poema «Ink», de Sidney Wade.




«The dinner party» (1974-1979), de Judy Chicago.







El artículo de Robert A. Caro el New Yorker sobre los secretos de los archivos del presidente Lyndon Johnson, aquí.

Un extracto:

«For some time after Johnson’s arrival in Congress, in May, 1937, his letters to committee chairmen and other senior congressmen had been in a tone befitting a new congressman with no power—the tone of a junior beseeching a favor from a senior, or asking, perhaps, for a few minutes of his time. But there were also letters and memos in the same boxes from senior congressmen in which they were doing the beseeching, asking for a few minutes of his time. What was the reason for the change? Was there a particular time at which it had occurred?»





El artículo de Henrique Mariño para Público, «Benditos malditos: 13 músicos inolvidables que deberías resucitar en tu reproductor», aquí.

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