Home Música para Camaleones Elegidos para la gloria Adherencias (4) Apocalypse Now Redux / Come wander with me

Adherencias (4) Apocalypse Now Redux / Come wander with me

Apocalypse Now Redux (Francis F. Coppola, 1979/2001)
Come wander with me – Jeff Alexander (feat. Bonnie Beecher, 1964)

he said / come wander with me, love / come wander with me
away from this sad world / come wander with me / he came from the sunset
he came from the sea / he came from my sorrow / and can love only me
oh where is the wanderer / who wandered this way / he’s passed on his wandering
and will never go away / he sang of a sweet love / of dreams that would be
but i was sworn to another / and could never be free

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